The Horn Press TOP
The Horn Press is a student-run organization dedicated to hand-press fine printing & the book arts.
We are based in the UCLA Department of Information Studies and are affiliated with the California Center for the Book and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
Current Officers
Director: Sean Pessin
Managing Editor: Sydney Sata
Past Officers & Members
Director: Sarah Francis
Assistant Director: Becca Gates
Secretary: Molly Hemphill
Director: Kathryn Brunet
Assistant Director: Rosemary Medina
Yoonha Hwang
Elisabeth Asher
Stephanie Geller
Stephanie Kaczkiewicz
Tanya Knipprath
Stephanie Harper
Co-Presidents: Christine Curley, Haylee Freeman-Polebaum, and Raphael Sasayama
President: Erin Hurley
President: Erin Hurley
Co-Directors: Ashley Soo and Clarice de Veyra
Co-Assistant Directors: Elaine Levia and Lori Dedeyan
Secretary: Carolyn Lee
Treasurer: Kate Papageorge
Archivist: Nicole Contaxis
Publicists: Amanda Fung, Moe Scott, and Michael Becker
Webmasters: Joseph Coombe and Lane Goldszer
Co-Directors: Nina Meechoonuk and Clare Varesio
Assistant Director: Whitney Winn
Treasurer: Danna Schacter
Co-Program Directors: Ashley Burdick and Kelley Talevich
Archivist: Kevin Carnes
Webmaster: Simran Khalsa
Members: Amy, Anarda, April, Caroline, Clare, Danna, David, Janet, Kevin, Michael, Nina, Simran, and Soo Jin
Co-Directors: Kristen Marley and Libby Spatz
Assistant Co-Directors: Nina Meechoonuk and Clare Varesio
Treasurer: Jonathan Fiencke
Program Director: Ha thuc Vi
Archivist: Norma Vega
Communications: Simran Khalsa
Co-Directors: Jillian Wallis and Libby Spatz
Assistant Directors: Jonathan Fiencke and Vi Ha
Treasurer: Gwendolyn Stevens
Archivist: Kristen Marley
Communications: Mike Garabedian
Members: Antonio Beecraft, Zehao Chang, Justin Chao, Cheryl Clayton, Natalie Cole, Kristen Croft, Joanna Fabicon, Tanisha Foster, Jamie Hazlitt, Andrea Hull, Pam Jackson, Beth Jacobson, Jamie Johnson, Shana Levin, Candace Lewis, Kerry Lum, Genevieve Marino, Elfi Montes, Amanda Moussa, Sarah Oester, Brooke Sheets, Shannon Supple, Debbie Weissman, June Yanagimachi, and Mary Yogi
Director: Jillian Wallis
Assistant Director: Shannon Supple
Program Director: Libby Spatz
Treasurer: Gwendolyn Stevens
Archivist: Rachel Bieber
Communications: Mike Garabedian
Members: Antonio Beecraft, Zehao Chang, Justin Chao, Cheryl Clayton, Natalie Cole, Kristen Croft, Joanna Fabicon, Tanisha Foster, Jamie Hazlitt, Andrea Hull, Pam Jackson, Beth Jacobson, Jamie Johnson, Shana Levin, Candace Lewis, Kerry Lum, Genevieve Marino, Elfi Montes, Amanda Moussa, Sarah Oester, Brooke Sheets, Kathleen Svetlik, Debbie Weissman, June Yanagimachi, Mary Yogi
Constitution TOP
Composed on 18 November 2003 by Rachel Bieber, Beth Jacobson, Amanda Moussa, Elizabeth Spatz, Shannon Supple, Kathleen Svetlik, and Jillian Wallis.
I. Name
The name of this organization is The Horn Press.
II. Objectives
- Promote book arts education.
- Augment the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of Information Studies program in the areas of analytical bibliography.
- Promote book preservation at UCLA.
- Develop relationships with the book arts community in Los Angeles.
III. Constitution
- The constitution will constitute the operating basis of the Chapter.
- The executive committee is authorized to prepare, adopt, or amend the constitution as may be desirable for the administration of the organization. Amendment proposals must be submitted to the board in writing, and will be submitted in turn to the membership as least two weeks before a vote. They will be decided by a majority vote of the membership.
- A copy of the current constitution will be made available to all members.
IV. Membership
- Membership in the organization is open to all currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff at UCLA with an interest in book arts.
- The Horn Press, in accordance with acceptable Federal and State law and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition, ancestry, martial status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran or specially disabled veteran. The Horn Press also prohibits sexual harassment. This non-discrimination policy covers organization membership, access to organization programs and activities, and the general treatment of members in the organization.
- Student members may vote on any questions submitted to the members of the Press and in all elections.
V. Officers and Advisors
- Officers of the organization will include a director, assistant director, program director, communications director [technology officer], archivist, and treasurer. No person will be permitted to hold more than one office. The officers, together with the faculty advisor, will comprise the executive committee, which will be responsible for the administration of the organization.
- Officers will serve for a term of one year, and may be re-elected to an additional term of one year. If a vacancy should occur in the offices of assistant director, program director, communications director, archivist, or treasurer, an interim replacement will be appointed by the executive committee to serve until an election can be scheduled.
- Duties of Officers
- Director: The director shall preside at all of the meetings, direct the activities of the other officers, and oversee matters concerning membership, publications, and any Press-sponsored projects and activities. The director will be the chair of the executive committee and will have the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the Press. The director will be an ex officio member of all committees.
- Assistant Director: The assistant director shall support the director with the duties of executive office and will assume the duties of the director in the latter’s absence, and, until an election can be scheduled, assume the office of director should it become vacant.
- Program Director: The program director will be responsible for the planning, promotion and coordination of the activities of the Press. The program director may create ad hoc committees to organize special events.
- Webmaster: The communications (or technology) director will be responsible for all correspondences and will maintain the Press website. The communications director will direct public relations within the university community, and communication among members.
- Archivist: The archivist will be responsible for maintaining all permanent records of the Press, including copies of projects or documentation of activities. The archivist will record the meeting minutes and maintain event information.
- Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for financial matters pertaining to the Press and make available to the executive committee and membership a financial report at the beginning of each term. The treasurer will be responsible for fund raising activities.
- The faculty advisor shall act as liaison between the Press and the Department of Information Studies. The faculty advisor shall be an active partner with the Press membership in fulfilling the purposes set forth in Article II objectives.
VI. Financials
- The Horn Press will make financial records available to authorized University officials upon request.
- All expenditures must comply with applicable university policies, regulation, and procedures, and must be approved by the executive committee before funds may be disbursed.
- The following members of the executive committee will have access to the distribution of funds: director, assistant director, treasurer, faculty advisor.
VII. Elections
- Elections for office of director for the following school year will be held in the first month of spring quarter.
- Elections for remaining officer positions will be held as soon as possible in the subsequent fall quarter.
- When an election is necessitated by a vacancy in one or more of the offices of this organization, the executive committee will appoint an election coordinator who will oversee the election. The election coordinator may not run for any office in that election.
- The election coordinator will be responsible for soliciting nominations and statements of intent, for posting them on the Press bulletin board, and for coordinating the date of the election with the executive committee.
- The election coordinator will be responsible for soliciting nominations and statements of intent, for posting them on the Press bulletin board, and for coordinating the date of the election with the executive committee.
- The newly elected executive committee will meet for the first time as soon as possible after the elections.
VIII. Committees
Ad hoc committees to further the objectives and interests of the Press will be appointed by the director, in concurrence with the executive committee, from among the membership of the Press.
IX. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of this organization, any funds or assets will be allocated as designated by the Executive Committee in office at the time of dissolution.